воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

california modeling school

-The bus is late and you blame Deepground.
-You wonder what would a emergency vehicle need compressed mako for
-You think Cid and Wash are brothers... Even though theyapos;re from different "stories"
-You think Rosso from "DoC" is a Jagger gone mad after losing her hat.
-If a fight broke out between Cait Sith and Kropps from "Girl Genius", Cait would have an unfair advantage... Especially if his "weapon" is a cat toy.

airline tickets go american airlines luxembourg, california modeling school, california modern art.

basket easter history

Why do I feel lately that my entire life is being rushed?
I mean, Iapos;ve got school work to finish, personal issues to take care of, and I have afterschool activites to go to. All the while I got to make sure everyone else but me is happy and content otherwise Iapos;ll probably feel like I�screwed up.
I need a vacation. Too bad there are no more days off from school in the near future.

I donapos;t even have time to devulge my feelings.
Cept one thing.
I was given false hope, again.

evancourt, basket easter history, basket easter homemade idea.

american vegetarians

Cat drama:

1)Alex decided to burrow into clothes in the dryer. I happened by, noticed that the clothes were only half dry, and turned the dryer on. Two spins and apos;clunk clunkapos; alerted me to trouble. I turned off the dryer, right away, and opened the door. Alex jumped out, none the worse for wear. Stupid cat.

2)One of the kittens fell out and I had to crawl way under the house to get to him and put him back. I did take a peek at the rest. There are three orange stripe kittens and one dark gray one. They are adorable. Unfortunately, I now stink. At least I know, now, that I can get to the kittens easily... Well... Once I crawl to the spot, that is...

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coating kool roof seal

Iapos;se did make it Safe
Iapos;m hopping on the big house computer at the moment with dial-up to post this message. Seriously the modem made thoes squeeky noises and everything. Itapos;s very 1997.
All is well here.
not much jet leg, thanks to a little donna pill, and the scenary is so beauitful.
I look in one direction I see ocean, another rolling hills, another a mountains. The air is clean and the people are really friendly. Like really friendly and chatty.
Iapos;m already seeing how small a town it is though. Iapos;m starting to see the same people over and over again in the shops, on the street, in the resturants etc. This morining on my way to chruch I saw my waiter from the Curry house go into the pron shop. Ick.

my pad is simply cool. Itapos;s got some draw backs to be fixed like the shower is just a small trickle of luke warm water (Iapos;m thinking of it like camping), and the houses are really cold. Right now itapos;s about 10 degress inside and 20 degress outside. And I donapos;t have any TV at the moment, I think Iapos;ll get that next month or so, so Iapos;m very pleases with myself that I downloaded about 15 GBs of programs before I left to keep me occupied after dark before I get a social life to attend to.

I nearily fainted when I shelled out $30 bucks for a paper book (it would be $10 at home) so bookclubs here must be an upper class activity

Caryn, Iapos;m reading the Trueblood series rightnow and iapos;m truely loving it--how are you finding it?

Other little odditis includ the libairy ladies proclaiming very loudly that itapos;s too quiet "in here". Dyers arenapos;t used. Gluten free bread is $15 a loaf, pedistrains do not get the right of way, the coffee is really good, the cross walk singnal wonapos;t go unless one stands on the yellow squares, and there is a lot of curry and fish and chip houses. Oh and I bought a 2 foot long celery stock from the corner store Itapos;s so long, it doesnapos;t fit in fridge.

I start work tomorrow which will be exciting. I need to start making some friends and going out for drinks and things.

Best be off, I donapos;t know how much this dial up is costing and my finger nails are blue from the cold

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

child care career

I keep having dreams about Romppa. On the other hand itapos;s nice, apos;cos I miss him and Iapos;m afraid Iapos;ll forget what he was like. On the other hand, itapos;s horrible apos;cos only one dream of the three was pleasant. In the second one we were in a room with a chair and a table... And Romppa was lying under the table on the floor and we had to watch him die. It was horrible, but then again... Thatapos;s what happened. Fuck.

The night before last night I had a dream where Romppa had died on our couch. Although it wasnapos;t really our house, some weird block house. He was lying on the couch and weapos;d covered him with pillows. I went to sit on the couch and accidentally sat on his legs and started crying. Then he moved and woke up. That was the best dream ever apos;cos he came back to live and I started sobbing and took him out for a walk. It felt so good even though it was just a dream. Waking up was depressing, though. I miss the tiny thing so much, but itapos;s getting better... I just have to ignore the fact that he used to be 95 of my life.
child care career, child care career information.

cradley speedway

A composer is a guy who goes around
forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules.

Frank Zappa


I fell in love with classical music at a young age. I thought composers were the grandest possible human beings ever. As I grew and studied music I became even more enamored and fascinated by it and am still to this day. In some ways itapos;s the most important thing in my life.

HARMONY: I found the whole process of chord progressions a difficult but very rewarding study. I learned how chords were made from basically three tones in a scale, how they related to each other and how they defined the movement of a piece of music. Thatapos;s why itapos;s called "harmonic progression." I learned how a serious piece of music will modulate from one key to another by finding a common chord. And how a piece will go from one key to a totally unrelated key by modulating to a different key and from there to the new one. (I hope that makes sense.) Most popular music keeps itapos;s modulations down to a minimum.

COUNTERPOINT: I learned how a melody can have a counter melody playing in harmony but with a different rhythm. I learned how those two melodic lines relate to each other, rhythmically and harmonically. I learned two, part, three part and fiendish four part counterpoint (which, unless youapos;re Bach or Beethoven, will keep you awake at night). There is very little counterpoint in popular music, but quite a bit in Jazz and some show music. If you want to know what counterpoint is listen to a Bach fugue and try to fallow all the parts at once.

RHYTHM: I learned to distinguish one type of beat from another Basically rhythm comes in 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 time. All music scores are divided up into measures and each measure has a number of beats: 2, 3 or 4. In the early 18th Century some composers wrote with 12 beats to the measure. Thatapos;s rare today, but what isnapos;t rare is switching from one count to another, i. E. Going from measures of 4/4 time to 3/4 time and back again. It happens all the time in concert music these days but not so much in popular music, although the Bee Gees did it. Another innovation in rhythm is the use of 5/4, 7/4 and even 11/4 measures. There are three fairly famous cases of the use of 5/4: the Second Movement of Tchaikovsky Symphony #6, Dave Brubeckapos;s Take Five and a song called Sensitivity from the Broadway musical Once Upon A Mattress.

FORM: When most people think of music they think of songs. But songs are more about lyrics than tones, harmonies or rhythms. In Rap Music the music has practically disappeared. But there is a rich catalogue of musical forms that have delighted listeners and tantalized composers through the years, too many to name.

Okay, whatapos;s a Zildjian you ask? In the early 17th Century an Armenian alchemist while attempting to make gold, mixed a special combination of metals that produced something that had a particularly clear and beautiful ring to it. So he started manufacturing cymbals, those round metal things that sing, ting, ring and crash. The recipe for making the cymbals has passed down through 14 generations of Zildjians. It is a closely guarded secret. The Zildjians quickly set up shop in America. They are officially the oldest family-owned business in America. The Zildjian heirs are still producing their cymbals according to the original secret recipe and their cymbals are all over the world. No respectable percussionist, whether in a symphony orchestra, a jazz group or a rock band, would ever go on the stage without Zildjian cymbals. And thatapos;s a fact. The next time you see a drummer with a rock or jazz band, or an orchestra performance where the guy bangs the cymbals together and holds them up, you can bet all the money youapos;ve got on you they are Zildjians.

DB - Vagabond Journeys

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

colours of the wind+lyrics

I�am tired and I�am wondering why Lyubov keeps going out on Thursday nights with Bianca when 2 hours before she has to leave all she does is complain to me about how she does not want to go. I�understand that Bianca did not want to go down town with her work friends alone, because she did not want to feel like the odd one out.�I�do not understand that she wanted me to skip studying for my exam and go downtown with her and when that did not work she fell back to the old plan of guilting Lyubov into it, who goes because bless her soul she does not want Bianca downtown alone.

I�just feel that at one point we need to let Bianca grow up, she is almost 20 years old, at one point the child can not use I�am just a kid as an excuse anymore; regardless of her age she is a junior in college and choice have consequences, our actions matter.

I am not upset with her; I�just do not like it when she becomes upset at me for never wanting to go. I�know I�come off as uninterested in spending time with her, but really I�am just uninterested at spending time in a bar around people who are drinking or at a club when the people are not going there just to dance and the dancing that is taking place is, well, not IBAR�dancing.

I�am also upset, because after staying up late, I am awoken to the girls coming home and Bianca telling Lyubov things will be okay over something which sounded as if Lyubov felt sick (not drinking sick)�or upset over something and that makes me mad considering Lyubov did not want to go in the first place. I�know she should just say no, but this is Lyubov, the girl has gone to church for me 3 times now just because there was something going on that I�was excited about... She does not say no.

I�just hope everything is okay, but I�have to wait and see I�suppose.�

The math exam was soooo easy; he handed out formula sheets�Who does that?�What ev. I�am not complaining that all�I had to do were a few simple proofs, some angle theory and then plug in numbers... Easy is fine with me at this point in the semester.

And I�am patiently awaiting a wreath of roses from my aunt and my mommy as a gift for my confirmation. They are so thoughtful... Even if my aunt did accidently let the surprise out

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